Judith E. Glaser entwickelte das Konzept der Conversational Intelligence, siehe dazu grundlegend auch Glaser, Judith E.: Creating We: Change I-Thinking to We-Thinking, Build a Healthy, Thriving Organization: Change ‚I‘ Thinking to ‚We‘ Thinking and Build a Healthy, Thriving Organization, Avon Mass.: Adams Publishing. In einem Blogbeitrag auf HBR schildert sie, warum man oft aneinander vorbeiredet und dass man bei Gesprächen zu Monologen tendiert.
Als Sozialwissenschaftler merkt man dazu auf, denn: Welche Folgen hat das dauerhafte Aneinandervorbeireden für die Effizienz von Kommunikation? Ohne dies tiefgründig zu durchdenken, fand ich jedenfalls die Praxistipps für den Alltagsgebrauch ganz hilfreich. So empfiehlt Judith E. Glaser (zitiert nach HBR):
Stop these behaviors in conversations
- assuming that others see what you see, feel what you feel, and think what you think, since that’s rarely the case
- failing to recognize that emotions, such as fear and distrust, change how you and others interpret and talk about reality
- thinking you understand and remember what others say, when you really only remember what you think about what they’ve said.
- underestimating your own propensity to have conversational blind spots!
Start these behaviors in conversations
- paying attention to and minimizing the time you „own“ the conversational space
- sharing that space by asking open-ended discovery questions, to which you don’t know the answers, so you stay curious (i.e. What influenced your thinking?)
- listening non-judgmentally to the answers
- asking follow-up questions
Bildnachweis: Von Etienne Boulanger [Lizenz] via unsplash.com